Choose your language:
    List all uploads

    To list all uploads, send a GET request to the /uploads endpoint.

    The following table contains the list of all the possible arguments, along with their type, description and examples values.

    To filter uploads you can use filter[ids] alone or other kind of filters explained below.

    In case of any doubts you can always inspect the network calls that the CMS interface is doing, as it's using the public REST API and you are able to replicate the same calls.

    Take a look at the examples below with the most common search scenarios.

    Query parameters
    filter  object  Optional

    Attributes to filter uploads

    locale  string  Optional

    When filter[query] or field[fields] is defined, filter by this locale. Default: environment's main locale

    orderBy  string  Optional

    Fields used to order results. Format: <field_name>_<DIRECTION(ASC|DESC)>. You can pass multiple comma separated rules.

    page  object  Optional

    Attributes to manage results pagination

    Returns an array of upload objects.


    Fetching a filtered list of uploads

    You can retrieve a list of uploads filtered by a set of conditions. There are different options and you can combine multiple filters together.

    In this example we are filtering by type and size. In particular, we are searching for images bigger than 5MB.

    The filtering options are the same as the GraphQL API uploads filters. So please check there all the options.

    The only difference is that when using this API you should snake_case the fields instead of camelCasing as in the GraphQL API. For example: in_use instead of inUse.

    Example code:
    const { SiteClient } = require("datocms-client");
    const client = new SiteClient("YOUR-API-TOKEN");
    async function getFilteredUploads() {
    const uploads = await client.uploads.all({
    filter: {
    fields: {
    type: {
    eq: "image",
    size: {
    gt: 5000000,
    Returned output:
    id: '20042883',
    size: 6000243,
    width: 3510,
    height: 4680,
    path: '/123/1626934514-image.jpg',
    basename: 'image',
    filename: 'image.jpg',
    url: '',
    format: 'jpg',
    author: null,
    copyright: null,
    notes: null,
    md5: 'e91cfdc282b249d5f114b163485b1553',
    duration: null,
    frameRate: null,
    blurhash: 'L[Nv}aof_N%M%MWBWBt7x]ofV@az',
    muxPlaybackId: null,
    muxMp4HighestRes: null,
    defaultFieldMetadata: { en: [Object], it: [Object], es: [Object] },
    isImage: true,
    createdAt: '2021-07-22T06:15:29.149Z',
    updatedAt: '2021-08-26T11:11:00.207Z',
    mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
    tags: [],
    smartTags: [
    'long sleeve',
    exifInfo: {
    iso: 160,
    model: 'Canon EOS 5D Mark IV',
    fNumber: 11,
    flashMode: 16,
    lensModel: 'Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM',
    focalLength: 50,
    exposureTime: 0.00625
    colors: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
    creator: { id: '111', type: 'account' }
    Another example and fetching all pages
    Example code:
    const SiteClient = require('datocms-client').SiteClient;
    const client = new SiteClient('YOUR-API-TOKEN');
    filter: {
    ids: '12,31',
    query: 'foobar',
    fields: {
    type: {
    eq: 'image'
    size: {
    gt: 5000000
    locale: 'it',
    order_by: '_created_at_DESC,size_ASC',
    page: {
    offset: 200,
    limit: 100
    .then((uploads) => {
    uploads.forEach((upload) => {
    .catch((error) => {
    // if you want to fetch all the pages with just one call:
    filter: {
    ids: '12,31',
    query: 'foobar',
    fields: {
    type: {
    eq: 'image'
    size: {
    gt: 5000000
    locale: 'it',
    order_by: '_created_at_DESC,size_ASC'
    }, {
    allPages: true
    .then((uploads) => {
    uploads.forEach((upload) => {
    Returned output:
    > node example.js
    "id": "666",
    "size": 444,
    "width": 30,
    "height": 30,
    "path": "/45/1496845848-digital-cats.jpg",
    "basename": "digital-cats",
    "filename": "digital-cats.jpg",
    "url": "",
    "format": "jpg",
    "author": "Mark Smith",
    "copyright": "2020 DatoCMS",
    "notes": "Nyan the cat",
    "md5": "873c296d0f2b7ee569f2d7ddaebc0d33",
    "duration": 62,
    "frameRate": 30,
    "blurhash": "LEHV6nWB2yk8pyo0adR*.7kCMdnj",
    "muxPlaybackId": "a1B2c3D4e5F6g7H8i9",
    "muxMp4HighestRes": "high",
    "defaultFieldMetadata": {
    "en": {
    "title": "this is the default title",
    "alt": "this is the default alternate text",
    "customData": {
    "foo": "bar"
    "focalPoint": {
    "x": 0.5,
    "y": 0.5
    "isImage": true,
    "createdAt": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z",
    "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
    "tags": [
    "smartTags": [
    "exifInfo": {
    "iso": 10000,
    "model": "ILCE-7",
    "flashMode": 16,
    "focalLength": 35,
    "exposureTime": 0.0166667
    "colors": [
    "red": 206,
    "green": 203,
    "blue": 167,
    "alpha": 255
    "red": 158,
    "green": 163,
    "blue": 93,
    "alpha": 255
    "creator": "312"