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    Environments make it easier for your development team to manage and maintain content structure once your content has been published. You can think of environments like code branches: great for testing, development and pre-production environments.

    By default, every project has one environment, called primary environment, which is meant to be used for the regular editorial workflow. Additionally, multiple sandbox environments can be created by developers to safely test/experiment new changes in the content.

    Sandbox environments start out as exact copies of one of the existing environments (ie. the primary one). The process of creating a new sandbox starting off from an existing environment is called fork.

    Each environment is identified by a name (ie. master) and stores the following information:

    • Models
    • Records
    • Uploads
    • Plugins
    • Locales and timezone settings
    • UI Theme (colors and logo)
    • Global SEO settings
    • The content navigation bar

    When making changes to any of the aforementioned entities in any environment, including the primary environment, the data in all other environments isn’t affected and stays the same.

    Object payload
    id  string
    ID of environment. Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes
    meta.status  enum

    Status of the environment

    meta.createdAt  date-time

    Date of creation

    meta.lastDataChangeAt  date-time

    Last data change

    meta.primary  boolean

    Is this environment the primary for the project?

    Available endpoints