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    Create a new upload

    To upload a new asset to a DatoCMS project you will need to perform three separate HTTP calls. This helps DatoCMS making the uploading process extremely fast, as we don't need to be a middleman between you (the user that wants to upload an asset) and the storage bucket.

    We strongly recommend to use our JS or Ruby client to upload new assets, as they provide helper methods that take care of all the details for you.

    path  string  Optional

    Upload path

    copyright  string, null  Optional


    author  string, null  Optional


    notes  string, null  Optional


    defaultFieldMetadata  object  Optional

    For each of the project's locales, the default metadata to apply if nothing is specified at record's level.

    tags  Array<string>  Optional


    Returns a upload object.


    Create an upload in Node.js

    This example shows how to upload local and remote files.

    Example code:
    const { SiteClient } = require("datocms-client");
    const client = new SiteClient("YOUR-API-TOKEN");
    async function createUpload() {
    // upload file using URL:
    const path = await client.createUploadPath(
    // ...or using local files:
    const path = await client.createUploadPath("./image.png");
    // you can then use the returned path to create a new upload:
    const upload = await client.uploads.create({
    author: "New author!",
    copyright: "New copyright",
    defaultFieldMetadata: {
    en: {
    alt: "New default alt",
    title: "New default title",
    focalPoint: {
    x: 0.3,
    y: 0.6,
    customData: {
    watermark: true,
    Returned output:
    id: "4124",
    size: 444,
    width: 30,
    height: 30,
    path: "/45/1496845848-image.png",
    basename: "image",
    url: "",
    format: "jpg",
    author: "New author!",
    copyright: "New copyright",
    notes: null,
    defaultFieldMetadata: {
    en: {
    alt: "new default alt",
    title: "new default title",
    focalPoint: {
    x: 0.3,
    y: 0.6,
    customData: {
    watermark: true
    isImage: true,
    tags: []
    Create an upload in the browser

    This example shows how to upload a local file.

    Example code:
    Include the client as a script tag
    <script src=""></script>
    const client = new Dato.SiteClient("YOUR-API-TOKEN");
    async function createUpload(file) {
    // upload File object
    const path = await client.createUploadPath(file);
    // you can then use the returned path to create a new upload:
    const upload = await client.uploads.create({
    author: "New author!",
    copyright: "New copyright",
    defaultFieldMetadata: {
    en: {
    alt: "New default alt",
    title: "New default title",
    focalPoint: {
    x: 0.3,
    y: 0.6,
    customData: {
    watermark: true,
    return upload;
    const fileInput = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');
    fileInput.addEventListener("change", async (event) => {
    const files =;
    for (let file of files) {
    createUpload(file).then((upload) => console.log(upload));
    Returned output:
    id: "4124",
    size: 444,
    width: 30,
    height: 30,
    path: "/45/1496845848-image.png",
    basename: "image",
    url: "",
    format: "jpg",
    author: "New author!",
    copyright: "New copyright",
    notes: null,
    defaultFieldMetadata: {
    en: {
    alt: "new default alt",
    title: "new default title",
    focalPoint: {
    x: 0.3,
    y: 0.6,
    customData: {
    watermark: true
    isImage: true,
    tags: []
    Advanced options

    You can track the upload progress with the onProgress callback option and assign a custom name to the upload file with the filename option.

    Example code:
    const path = await client.createUploadPath(file, {
    filename: "custom-name.jpg",
    onProgress: (event) => {
    const { type, payload } = event;
    switch (type) {
    // fired before starting upload
    case "uploadRequestComplete":
    console.log(, payload.url);
    // fired during upload
    case "upload":
    // (Node.js only) fired during download of a remote file
    case "download":
    Returned output:
    > node example.js
    "id": "666",
    "size": 444,
    "width": 30,
    "height": 30,
    "path": "/45/1496845848-digital-cats.jpg",
    "basename": "digital-cats",
    "filename": "digital-cats.jpg",
    "url": "",
    "format": "jpg",
    "author": "Mark Smith",
    "copyright": "2020 DatoCMS",
    "notes": "Nyan the cat",
    "md5": "873c296d0f2b7ee569f2d7ddaebc0d33",
    "duration": 62,
    "frameRate": 30,
    "blurhash": "LEHV6nWB2yk8pyo0adR*.7kCMdnj",
    "muxPlaybackId": "a1B2c3D4e5F6g7H8i9",
    "muxMp4HighestRes": "high",
    "defaultFieldMetadata": {
    "en": {
    "title": "this is the default title",
    "alt": "this is the default alternate text",
    "customData": {
    "foo": "bar"
    "focalPoint": {
    "x": 0.5,
    "y": 0.5
    "isImage": true,
    "createdAt": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z",
    "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
    "tags": [
    "smartTags": [
    "exifInfo": {
    "iso": 10000,
    "model": "ILCE-7",
    "flashMode": 16,
    "focalLength": 35,
    "exposureTime": 0.0166667
    "colors": [
    "red": 206,
    "green": 203,
    "blue": 167,
    "alpha": 255
    "red": 158,
    "green": 163,
    "blue": 93,
    "alpha": 255
    "creator": "312"
    Cancelling an upload

    It is possible to cancel an upload by calling the cancel method on the promise returned by createUploadPath and uploadFile.

    Example code:
    const uploadPromise = client.createUploadPath(file);
    uploadPromise.catch((error) => {
    Returned output:
    // > cancelled