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    A site represents a specific DatoCMS administrative area

    Object payload
    id  string
    ID of site
    domain  string, null

    Administrative area custom domain

    favicon  string, null

    The upload id for the favicon

    frontendUrl  string, null

    Frontend website url

    globalSeo  object, null

    Specifies default global settings

    googleMapsApiToken  string, null

    Google API Key to be used by the LatLon widget

    imgixHost  string, null

    Imgix host

    internalDomain  string, null

    DatoCMS internal domain for the administrative area

    lastDataChangeAt  null, date-time

    Specifies the last time when a change of data occurred

    locales  Array<string>

    Available locales

    name  string

    Site name

    noIndex  boolean

    Whether the website needs to be indexed by search engines or not

    require2fa  boolean

    Specifies whether all users of this site need to authenticate using two-factor authentication

    theme  object

    Specifies the theme to use in administrative area

    timezone  string

    Site default timezone

    ipTrackingEnabled  boolean

    Specifies whether you want IPs to be tracked in the Project usages section

    buildTriggers  Array<>
    menuItems  Array<>
    ssoUsers  Array<>
    itemTypes  Array<>
    ssoDefaultRole  Array<>

    Available endpoints