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    Each Model consists of a set of fields. Using the database metaphore, fields are like table columns, and when creating them you need to specify their type (string, file, float, etc.) and any required validation.

    Object payload
    id  string
    ID of field
    label  string

    The label of the field

    fieldType  string

    Type of input

    apiKey  string

    Field API key

    localized  boolean

    Whether the field needs to be multilanguage or not

    validators  object

    Optional field validations

    position  integer

    Ordering index

    hint  string, null

    Field hint

    defaultValue  boolean, null, string, number, object

    Default value for Field. When field is localized accepts an object of default values with site locales as keys

    appearance  object

    Field appearance details, plugin configuration and field add-ons


    Field item type

    fieldset  null,

    Fieldset linkage

    Available endpoints