Middleman > Accessing records

    Accessing records

    Here's the different methods you can use inside your dato.config.rb file to retrieve records stored in your administrative area.

    Find a record by ID

    If you already know the ID of the record you need to access, just use the dato.find method:

    # returns the record with ID 3411

    Find all the records of a specific model

    Suppose you have a Blog post model in your administrative area, and you want retrieve the complete collection of its records. First thing first, you need to know its Model ID:

    In this case, the ID is blog_post, so you can retrieve its records pluralizing the Model ID, and using it as a method on the dato object:

    # iterate over the Array of records of the `blog_post` model
    dato.blog_posts.each do |record|
    # ...

    If you need to access the record associated to a single-instance model, you don't need to pluralize the Model ID:

    # returns the record for the `about_page` single-instance model
    # (or nil, if it hasn't been created yet)