General concepts > Overview


    DatoCMS is a cloud-based headless CMS designed to work with static websites, mobile apps and server-side applications of any kind. Freelancers, agencies and startups use DatoCMS to allow non-technical clients and team members to manage the content of their digital products within a web-based CMS.

    What does headless CMS mean?

    A headless CMS clearly separates the actual content from the display layer and the front-end user experience.

    The headless CMS concept is one born of the demands of the digital era and a business’s need to focus on engaging customers with personalized content via multiple channels at all stages of the customer journey.

    As the content in a headless CMS is considered pure (because it has no presentation layer attached) just one instance of it can be used for display on any device; website, mobile, tablet, Internet of Things devices, smart watches, etc.


    DatoCMS provides a content infrastructure that comprises two different APIs for working with your content. Each of these APIs serve a different purpose, so which one to use depends on what you want to do:

    One account, multiple projects

    Once you signup to DatoCMS and create your account, you'll be able to create an arbitrary number of different projects. For each one of those you'll be given an administrative area at a specific domain (ie. https://[my-project] from which you'll be able to invite a number of collaborators to manage its specific content. All the projects you create will be completely isolated from each other.