Community tutorials
    Community tutorials
    Import a Wordpress site into DatoCMS

    If you have some projects that are currently using Wordpress you can now import them to DatoCMS in a pretty simple way!

    Import an existing Contentful project

    We released a Node.js-based CLI tool that copies all content from a Contentful space to a DatoCMS site!

    Create a plugin on DatoCMS: a step-by-step tutorial

    Building DatoCMS plugins is easy, here's a complete walk-through of how you can unleash your creativity with some coding.

    Build a JAMstack App with Gatsby Cloud, DatoCMS, and Netlify

    Utilize the power of JAMstack and build a portfolio with Gatsby Cloud, Netlify, and DatoCMS.

    Why we choose React, Gatsby and Headless CMS’s for building new websites

    A really nice article on using Gatby.js together with DatoCMS.

    Creating a static e-commerce website with Snipcart, GatsbyJS and DatoCMS

    See how easy it is to set up Snipcart on a Gatsby website, with editorial content coming from DatoCMS.

    Static Portfolio with Gatsby and DatoCMS

    This mini-guide will get you started with Gatsby and DatoCMS in minutes.

    Custom Live Preview for Gatsby Sites with Heroku

    How to deploy a GatsbyJS preview server to Heroku for immediate visual feedback for editors using a headless CMS.

    Nuxt.js + DatoCMS Tutorial

    This great screencast will help you setup a Nuxt.js in less than 20 minutes!

    How to make the most out of DatoCMS roles

    This tutorial goes through a real-world example where setting proper permissions is vital for the project itself.

    DatoCMS with Middleman: A beginner's guide

    A detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to get started with DatoCMS and Middleman.

    Quickly develop static websites with VueJS, NuxtJS and GraphQL

    A tutorial on how to integrate DatoCMS with VueJS and NuxtJS. With an example on how to query data via GraphQL and host the result on Netlify.