
Welcome to the DatoCMS Blog

News, tips and highlights from the team at DatoCMS
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New notice type for build triggers
December 6th, 2021
How our customer support changes

Our plan for a faster, more transparent and discoverable customer support.

Retrospective - what happened in the last three months

A retrospective post about what happened in the last three months in DatoCMS-land and some hints on our future plans.

5 Reasons to Move Your Website from Wordpress to a headless CMS

There are various reasons to change Content Management System (CMS) for your online property. Here are the 5 best arguments to move your website to a headless CMS like DatoCMS.

Introducing the new dashboard

Introducing a new interface power-up for DatoCMS: we completely overhauled our dashboard and rethought the plan management.

Content marketing: It's all about emotions

Good content marketing generates profound, instantaneous emotional reactions. Emotions are - and always will be - the best commercial hooks. How do we do it?

Ever Onward - Our New 3-Month Roadmap

The plans for the next three months of product development

Hyper-fast development with Gatsby and DatoCMS

The wait for the new plugin is over! We finally have a new, blazing fast and super-stable plugin for our beloved Gatsby users! Continue reading to discover in detail all the great, new features we’ve shipped! 💜

Interview with Jeff Escalante: how HashiCorp gets the best out of DatoCMS

Learn how Jeff Escalante, Senior Manager of Marketing Technology at HashiCorp, leveraged the power of a headless CMS solution.

How to preview content changes on Gatsby Preview

With Gatsby Preview you can run your code in preview mode, allowing you to see the changes instantly on a live site. Here's a quick tutorial to try it in a matter of minutes!

Introducing our new collaboration tools

Our collaboration tools are part of one of the most significant updates to DatoCMS in recent months, so let's explore it together!

More control over your pricing plan

Now you can tailor the pricing plan on your specific needs with 6 different add-ons to choose from.

Datastory: data storytelling at its finest

Datastory is a platform focused on civic education made by a team of journalists, programmers, designers and researchers based in Sweden. They used DatoCMS to build useful, engaging, and user-friendly tools for understanding the world and their issues, using a data-driven approach.

How to create a JAMstack site in minutes with Stackbit

Good news: I published a JAMstack site in literally two minutes without writing a line of code or touching a single configuration file. No, I'm not using the term "literally" figuratively. I mean it.

4 SEO Jedi Tricks for Your JAMstack Site

JAMstack offers a wide range of advantages to your team when it comes to optimizing and enhancing your content for a wide range of search engines. Here are four things to work on for a bullet-proof SEO!

How a purpose-driven agency performs so well (with the right technology)

Marc Ammann talks about how Matter Supply transforms purpose into beauty thanks to JAMstack and a motivated team.

A new status page: a small step towards greater transparency

We are happy to announce that we have just released a new version of our Status page. It's beautiful, fast and full of interesting info.